And he proves it: Ship a product, Haskell weaklings.
(this, of course, is only our interpretation of Jon Harrop's awesomeness)
vendredi 22 août 2008
Jon Harrop fought Big Haskell.
Big Haskell wants you to believe it is used in industry. Fortunately for us, Jon Harrop never sleeps.
Big Lisp finally admits it: Jon Harrop rules
They thought they could silence him, but they (wisely) chose to acknowledge Jon Harrop's Grandeur.
The courageous Jon Harrop dares go against Big Lisp.
Our Dear Leader, Jon Harrop, finally dares go against Big Lisp. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Jon Harrop, puppeteer?
One Slava Pestov is claiming that our idol, the adulated Jon Harrop, has a sock puppet.
We do not know what to make of this, except we think Jon Harrop is much funnier than Kermit the frog.
We do not know what to make of this, except we think Jon Harrop is much funnier than Kermit the frog.
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